The Oratories has announced another programme full of music and compelling public lectures for the month of February.

The first event for this month is on today, February 2, from 3 till 6pm, when the Oratories will be open for guided visits by Pietre Vive.

“This is a unique opportunity to explore the Oratories from an artistic and spiritual perspective,” say the organisers. The tours are free and no booking is required, but the guided visits are offered on a first-come first-served basis.

The first recital of the month will be held on February 6 at 7.30pm with a programme of French vocal music with soprano Valentina Bezzina, mezzo-soprano Nicole Vassallo and pianist Sofia Narmania. The recital includes works by Bizet, Massenet, Debussy, and many more.

The Oratories&rsquo; event <em>Kutri u Kotba</em> in collaboration with Merlin Publishers.The Oratories’ event Kutri u Kotba in collaboration with Merlin Publishers.

The following week, the Oratories will host philosophy lecturer Niki Young on February 13 at 6.30pm with a public lecture on the latest developments in philosophy on ethics and animals. The lecture promises to be a fascinating exploration of this important and constantly evolving topic.

Music returns to the Oratories on February 20 at 7.30pm with a programme of music for soprano, violin and piano.

Opportunity to explore Oratories from an artistic and spiritual perspective

Soprano Gabrielle Portelli and violinist Bernard Curmi, two upcoming young musicians, will be accompanied by pianist Maria-Elena Farrugia. The repertoire includes some rarely heard works including Holst’s Four Songs for Voice and Violin.

Soprano Madeleine Gruppetta performing at the Oratories.Soprano Madeleine Gruppetta performing at the Oratories.

The final event of the month takes us to carnival week with a special lecture that unites carnival with the Jesuits’ College in Valletta.

On February 27 at 6.30pm, historian Emanuel Buttigieg will be giving a lecture on the infamous carnival riots of 1639 when the decisions of Grand Master Lascaris left many people and artists disgruntled, and several Jesuits even more so, say the organisers.

All of the events on the programme are held at the former Jesuit Oratories in Valletta and are free of charge, but donations towards the programme are welcome. Apart from the cultural programme, there are regular liturgical services held at The Oratories. For further details, check out our social media pages on The Jesuits’ Church Foundation.

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