I refer to the many articles written about Dar tal-Islam, in Tower Road, Sliema (which was called by our neighbours and the newspapers "Illegal mosque"). I am a citizen of Malta and a Muslim (not a foreigner as described by articles in The Times and elsewhere, February 7).
What should be clear initially is that the flat is residential, used mainly for residential purposes, even though from there I had given information about Islam to whoever was interested to know about it. When I inquired about what permits were needed, I was informed that the permits required were for structural changes and for the signboards. Therefore, since I did not need any structural changes or change of use, I applied only for the signboards. There was no approval from Mepa and after appealing several times with negative replies the signboards were removed.
I did not apply for any permit to turn it into a mosque because it was not intended to be a mosque and that was confirmed by a source close to Mepa (The Times, February 28).
Muslims must pray at preordained times of the day and night, notably five times - at noon, in the afternoon, at sunset, at night and at sunrise - wherever we happen to be at the relevant time, even in the street, if we happen to be out when the time of our prayers fall due.
So it is natural that whoever is at Dar tal-Islam will line up for prayer (at its time) as is practised by Muslims. That does not make the place a mosque. I do not think a place would be called a stadium if people were seen playing football, even if they were seen there on a regular basis.
The sign at Dar tal-Islam - "There is no god save Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of Allah" - is our witness of being Muslims. This means that there is only one true God, creator of everything, worthy of worship, and Mohammed is the last of His many Messengers who delivered to us the eternal message.
I have been at Dar tal-Islam in Tower Road for four years and always had positive and friendly relations with the neighbours. There was never a complaint about my friends and I and I never had any discomfort from my neighbours or cause to complain. In any case, if there exists any complaint regarding the proceedings I take full responsibility to regularise and correct any misdemeanours.
As a citizen of Malta I love Malta and would always work and strive for its prosperity and peace. (This also goes for my friends.) As a Muslim I pray to Almighty Allah to help us in Malta stay peace loving and tolerant.