A new pastoral centre in Kerċem, Ommna tas-Sokkors, will be inaugurated on Sunday.
Cardinal Mario Grech will celebrate solemn Mass with the participation of parish societies and groups of adolescents and youths at Kerċem parish church at 6pm. After Mass, at around 7pm, there will be the inauguration of the centre in Triq Dr Anton Calleja, during which a feature will be shown, followed by short addresses by parish priest Brian Mejlak, Bishop Anton Teuma and Cardinal Grech.
Gozo Catenians president Reg Fitzpatrick will also address the gathering and introduce Malta Catenians president Victor Camilleri. Fitzpatrick will then present a donation to Kerċem parish youths who will be carrying out missionary work in Guatemala this summer.
The centre will be inaugurated by Fr Mejlak and blessed by Cardinal Grech.
Work on the centre, to be used by various groups, has been going on for years. The premises will be the venue for several groups to hold meetings and gatherings connected with the pastoral activities of the parish. Among the first to benefit from this project will be groups of adolescents and youths.
Architect Gordon Grech, of Kerċem, designed the centre, while Kerċem Construction was responsible for the building of the centre. The project, coordinated by Fr Meilak, was mainly financed by parishioners and donations by benefactors and other entities.
The mosaic on the façade of the centre, commissioned to Eikon centre, features Our Lady of Perpetual Help, patron of Kerċem.