A labour migration policy aimed at reducing migrant worker turnover will be published for public consultation by the end of this year, Employment and Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said.

“In the next few weeks, we will be discussing the policy with stakeholders and internally within the government. By the end of this year, the policy will be published so that everyone can give their opinion on it,” Camilleri said on Tuesday.

The new policy, Camilleri said, will seek to reduce the turnover of third-country nationals who move to Malta but leave shortly afterwards.

Camilleri had announced plans for a new economic migration policy in September amid concerns over a substantial increase in third-country nationals working in Malta, particularly over the last decade.

Byron Camilleri talks to Daniel Ellul. Video: Jonathan Borg

He said the policy will prioritise economic needs, safeguard the dignity of all workers, encourage the upskilling and reskilling of employees, and promote stability and retention of workers.

Most TCNs living in Malta need a 'single work permit' to live and work in the country legally. The work permit expires yearly and is tied directly to their employer.

If the worker is dismissed, he or she has 10 days to find a new job or face deportation.

On Tuesday morning, Camilleri hinted at potential changes.

“A foreigner might come here, get used to the country, only to get fired after a short time,” Camilleri said.

In that situation, no one benefits. “The individual loses, the company loses, and society loses.”

He said that both private companies and the state should focus on increasing retention and providing stability.

“It is not beneficial to have such a high turnover. Studies show that Malta has one of the highest turnover rates of foreign workers, who often come to Malta for only a few years before moving to another country, and that is not a good thing. We will address that in this policy,” he said.

Camilleri added that the government will aim to give dignity to all workers and will take a strong stance against employers who think they can exploit their employees.

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