The Labour Party will unveil its new emblem during an activity at its headquarters on October 30, one of the many activities to mark the party’s 90th ­anniversary.

Addressing a news conference yesterday, Labour deputy leader Toni Abela said the party’s activities to mark its anniversary were spread over October, November and December.

The programme starts on October 1 and 2 with a conference entitled ‘Revisiting Labour’s History’, which will see the ­participation of Prof. Andrew Thorpe from Exeter University, who wrote about the British Labour Party.

A drama entitled Enemy of the People will follow between October 8 and 10 at St James Cavalier in Valletta. Other activities include concerts, an evening of political satire, an exhibition on the party’s history and a thanksgiving Mass in Cospicua.

The activities come to an end with the annual party fundraising marathon on December 13, Republic Day.

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