A large waterspout formed on the sea to the south of Malta this morning but did not move inland and did not cause damage.

Meteo Malta said the water spout could be seen off the coast of Ghar Lapsi at around 11.45am. It lasted about 10 minutes.

Meteo Malta explained that the water spout was caused by instability and some wind shear (wind at different directions at different heights) which caused the spin in the cloud. This instability also caused rain showers and thunderstorms last night and today. Many localities saw over 25mm of rainfall in the past 24 hours with Mosta, Marsaxlokk and Sannat exceeding 40mm of rainfall.

This unstable weather is expected to continue all week. The temperature, currently around 20 degrees Celsius is expected to drop to about 16 or 17 degrees Celsius at the coming weekend and remain so throughout next week.

Meteo Malta is a private company that issues weather warnings by SMS and weather forecasts up to 14 days in advance.

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