The last fuel tanker departed the March 31 oil storage facility in the heart of Birżebbuġa on Thursday.

The 120-year-old facility, a source of longstanding complaints about fumes, leakage and potential danger, has been put down and put on cold standby until December, when the tanks will start being dismantled. Fuel is instead being stored in the Ħas-Saptan facility, recently rehabilitated in a €70m project.

Energy Minister Miriam Dalli visited the facility on Thursday morning to witness the departure of the last fuel truck.

She said fuel tankers used to make an average of 44 trips to the March 31 facility every day.

“This investment means that apart from having cleaner air, there will be fewer hazards close to the residents. There will no longer be a stench of fuel every time a tank is being filled," the minister said.


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