Education is a continuous pursuit – and that is because as the world changes, so does the way we work. Consumption habits change, new products and services are developed and technology keeps pushing the proverbial envelope on what is possible.

Hence the importance of continuous learning, which combines the reinforcement of what an individual would have already previously learned, with the development of new skills and knowledge. Continuous learning not only benefits the individual, as it helps them update their knowledge while boosting their potential for new opportunities – but it also benefits businesses, who can take advantage of knowledge retention, better job satisfaction and increased employee engagement.

The only issue is that people who are already pursuing a full-time job or career hardly have any time to dedicate to education. The solution to that is part-time courses that are flexible enough to allow individuals to combine careers with education.

MCAST and MG2i have just issued their part-time courses guide. The new course guide is aimed to increase the skills level of the current industry practitioners while strengthening the ties with diverse industry partners. The course guide features an vast selection of courses which are skill-based and lead to a professional licence like Stone Masonry & Authorization A /B. Other courses like Gardening, Drawing & Painting and Ceramics are aimed for persons looking to learn new skills that are hobby related.

The new MG2i and MCAST course guide has been developed by listening to local industry requirements. The close contact with the industry has suggested the need of several trade skills which MG2i will be providing through MCAST accredited course. These courses provide theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge to persons with diverse backgrounds or who want to further their career. The newly published guide offers businesses an outline of the cost per person however, package deals can be made available.

The new MG2i and MCAST course guide has been developed by listening to local industry requirements.The new MG2i and MCAST course guide has been developed by listening to local industry requirements.

MCAST and MG2i’s new course guide has also been developed with the aim of reaching out to those who could not achieve their study completion at a younger age. Having adult learners attending evening courses – whether online, in-person or blended – helps persons achieve the needed qualifications for career progression or to change their career. The new course guide was designed to have open enrolments in key business areas such as Customer Care, Leadership & Business Administration but it also offers different specialised Masters like the MA in Applied Inclusive Practices and MA in Product Design.

With significant economic growth, the local economy needs people to improve their knowledge and cater for new industry needs. It is for this reason that the new MG2i and MCAST course guide is an invaluable gateway to new opportunities for individuals, businesses and the economy.

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