Hypocrisy of politics

When Kamala Harris was nominated as vice president of the United States of America she proudly claimed nationwide to be the first Indian American woman ever to occupy such a position. 

Recently having been chosen by the Democrats to contest for president, she has forgotten all her Indian ancestry. On her campaign trail she no longer feels elated of her Indian heritage, to be exact of the province of Tamil, in India, her mother’s birth place. 

Kamala Harris. Photo: AFPKamala Harris. Photo: AFP

She has now arbitrarily shamelessly cancelled her origin and changed it, being a massive vote catcher, to that of being African American, that is black American. That’s a misnomer. She does not qualify as an Afro American.

In America, a person with one white parent and one black parent like Barack Obama is considered black. Harris has neither because she is neither black nor white. Her father is of Jamaican descent and her mother is Indian. In any case, let us drop the falsity, the pretence and deceptive talk and be truthful to our self and others. 

Let’s cut the double-talk.    

Francesco Simon Mercieca – Fgura

A big shout out

A big well done to the members of the police force who still value our religious sentiments. They were noticed during the Sliema feast of Stella Maris ordering scantily dressed women and bare-chested men during our town’s religious feast to cover up. 

This is what the Maltese expect from our police force and earn our respect.

It is about time that the riff-raff kind of tourists we are getting respect the traditions we Maltese value so much. 

Once again, well done to the police.

Michael Vella – Sliema

Sleepwalking into political sandpits

The supposed leader of the opposition, Bernard Grech never fails to amaze me at the way he keeps sleepwalking into political sand pits. Sunday, August 11, was no exception. 

While he was being interviewed on the PN’s radio, Grech referred to the so-called ‘ID card racket scandal’, which made headline news days ago and which the police are actively investigating. Grech told his interviewer: “A week has passed and there has been no sign of the minister. He has failed to say how this issue is being tackled or to assure people that there is no fraud on their identity cards.”

Now comes his political sandpit. He added: “Camilleri’s silence could also mean he is hiding something from the public.”

What minister Byron Camilleri’s silence means is that he is allowing the police to conduct investigations free of any political influence or pressure. 

If Grech assumes that just one week of silence “could also mean that he (Camilleri) is hiding something from the public”, what should Maltese and Gozitan voters assume when Grech has been hiding his own party’s audited accounts, and the PN’s list of party donors, not for one week but since 2021?

Eddy Privitera – Naxxar

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