‘Pay as you walk’ scheme

The volume of traffic in Malta is becoming unprecedented and causing nationwide problems.

If the issue is not resolved, the government would have to take drastic measures that will not be pretty and will irritate a lot of people. It is time to come up with solutions before things get worse and cause major havoc in the country.

I would like to elaborate on the points I had raised in a previous letter (‘Addressing the traffic issue’, May 24).

The idea of a ‘pay as you walk’ scheme is that of offering a financial incentive to encourage people to sometimes walk instead of using a vehicle, for example by being given a top-up to their salary.

Just imagine, one is actually paid additional money for walking to the supermarket to buy goods, which would cover some of the costs of the food and drink for the family.

Or let’s say you need to go to an optician for a check-up and to buy new glasses; some of those expenses will be covered by walking there.

Imagine being paid for walking. Photo: Matthew MirabelliImagine being paid for walking. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Another example: you would like to organise a family outing to a restaurant; some of the expenses will also be covered by walking there.

Depending on how close to home a child’s school is, one may decide to walk them to school.

What would be the long-term benefits of such a scheme?

Less traffic congestion; more parking spaces available (important for emergencies too); reducing the need for excessive car parking areas; less stress, which would lead to better lifestyles; people paying more attention to their diet and having a healthier lifestyle; and families having more funds for leisure activities.

This would have to be complemented with a car-pooling culture, for example, where families encourage one another to share transport, especially if the destination is beyond walking distance. There are other initiatives to consider, too.

Investment should be directed to support ideas like this, using European funding.

This may be also attractive to tourists and encourage tourism. Tourists would be attracted to Malta, which could be known as a place for creativity and innovation. Malta, one of the innovators in the world, contributing to a massive change for the better.

Mark John Galea – Sliema

Democrats for abortion

The Democratic Party in the current US electoral campaign is a strong and vociferous supporter of abortion. Indeed, it has put abortion rights at the centre of the election campaign. It believes abortion is a morally good action in its own right.

Senior Democrats hold that their party’s unqualified support for abortion will provide more votes than any other issue in the presidential campaign. It has promised that, if returned to government, it would sign laws restoring full abortion rights, which were restricted following the overturning of the Roe v Wade legislation.

The giant abortion provider Planned Parenthood, with the obvious complicity of Democrat officials, parked a large, mobile van outside the Democratic National Convention building, providing medication for abortions as well as sterilisations via vasectomy and the distribution of emergency contraception.

Further comment is unnecessary.

Jacqueline Calleja – Naxxar

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