Green is the colour

We are told that Project Green is committed to a better quality of life for the people of Malta with the creation, maintenance and invigoration of parks, gardens and other green infrastructure for healthier, happier lifestyles and a more sustainable environment.

So far, however, facts show that it has no interest in the environment beyond a few token projects here and there. In areas where a developer, perhaps a friend of the party, can benefit and fill their pockets, it’s their interest that will still come first, not that of the community.

Despite heavy marketing efforts aimed at creating the perception of rapidly increasing open spaces for families, not without some inclusion of paying influencers to post about the agency’s spaces, the government has irreversibly allowed public land to be developed and overdeveloped.

In the meantime, popular and heavily frequented bays and beaches in Malta have turned glaringly green.

For long periods, Tal-Għażżenin, Ġnejna Bay, Balluta Bay and two St George’s bays became super-greenish.

Balluta Bay turned green. Photo: Matthew MirabelliBalluta Bay turned green. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Our country registered a record 24 different contaminations between the start of May and June 2 this year.

By the way, why do they bother saying “raw sewage”? Do some people actually cook that stuff?

Mark Said – Msida

Joe Brincat’s humanity and wisdom

When my father died in 1988, I was a member of parliament and Joe Brincat was the leader of the house for the opposition. He made a very moving, short speech about my father – who all his life had been a very active and suffering activist in the Partit Nazzjonalista – that clearly brought out the great humanity, beyond politics and rivalry, of Brincat.

He did not speak about the lifelong activity of a silent politician but said: “I have never known someone so loyal as Charles Bondin. He stood by George Borg Olivier not when he could gain something but when he was left completely ignored and abandoned by everyone. Charles was there for him right to the end.”

Malta lost a great man of wisdom and humanity. And, unfortunately, we move on and will forget who Brincat really was.

Ray Bondin – Għajnsielem

Are the two related?

Statistics show an increase in destroyed relationships, domestic and child abuse, mental health problems and suicide, corruption and fraudulent activity.

Statistics also show a decrease in genuine religious practice.

Can the two be related?

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

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