Those who really slither

Respectfully, I consider the article by Wayne Flask ‘They who slither’ (December 7) as an insult to most readers of Times of Malta. He undoubtedly offended the sentiments, convictions and way of life of many Maltese by directing his attack not only at pro-life sympathisers but also at our religious leaders and civil society in general.

In my opinion, it was Flask who slithered. He did not limit himself to following Beppe Grillo’s quoted aphorism but wrote a long, tedious and irritating whole page article to offend and insult the pro-life people and other authorities.

Who gave him the liberty to refer to the participants of the impressive rally as ‘cocoons?’  Why did he dare to call pro-lifers ‘women haters’ preferring to call them ‘anti choicers’? Pro-lifers too believe in the liberty of women in matters concerning their rights which should, however, always be subject to personal responsibility and the duty to observe the natural law, especially when dealing with the unborn.

There is absolutely no privilege in considering women free to use the false pretensions of ‘my body-my choice’. Nobody can pretend to have been born totally free to do as they like, even in their most intimate feelings.

By what stretch of the imagination can Flask compare the Sunday grand manifestation of the pro-life movement to a Catholic carnival? Apart from the insult, this was an expression of hate and disrespect to the thousands who participated in this successful manifestation. Flask’s intention was to harm those he disagrees with at whatever cost. The attack on pro-lifers remains constant.

Of course, Flask accuses the Curia of misinformation and scaremongering. The Church is only doing its duty responsibly, prudently and with a wise guidance by its leaders. The Church cannot betray its mission to follow the Lord’s teachings and, above all, his commandments.

 Flask knows that these dedicated people manifest, write and speak clearly using plain language, unlike him, who depicts pro-lifers as people wrapped in self-hatred, self-reverence and religiosity. Flask’s imagination has no limits. He twists facts to reach his objectives and insists on his ideology without respecting the beliefs of others.

I repeat my disgust at reading such an insulting article and hope that he will not be permitted to repeat the same mistake in future. Times of Malta merits a more respectful standard of writing by any correspondent.

Carmel Vella – Mellieħa

Out of service

Photo: Matthew MirabelliPhoto: Matthew Mirabelli

On Republic Day, I went to the HSBC’s ATM at the Buġibba Square to withdraw some cash. But the ATM was not giving out money. On leaving the place, I met someone and informed him about the ATM not operating well. I advised him to go to the HSBC’s ATM at Mosta Road. He told me that was where he was coming from because, even there, the ATM was not working and he could not withdraw any money.

We were both disgusted at this. Then an English lady came to the ATM as well and when we told her that the ATM was not giving out money she went utterly mad. She told us that that ATM had not been working properly for at least three days.

Our thanks to the HSBC directors, etc. I bet they will receive a bonus at the end of the year for the magnificent service they give their clients.

Joseph Cachia – St Paul’s Bay

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