No respite for residents

I could not agree more with Ray Azzopardi’s valid and accurate statements (December 11). We residents of this area of Xemxija are suffering daily.

Whatever happened to responsible developers where the environment and people’s health are concerned?

No one cares, and we have no recourse to anyone as we suffer daily. It’s just not good enough.

To compound matters we are now losing half the road width, so the developers can work on the external wall.

Therefore, all residents have now lost 50 per cent of available parking spaces, with no alternative provisions.

Malcolm Benson – Xemxija

Cheap airlines

So now we are to have another third-world airline to compete with EasyJet and Ryanair in a race to the bottom. That will assure the travelling public that the national airline is no longer of a decent standard.

I have been using Air Malta for over 30 years and have watched facilities dwindle.

So if there are no more decent airlines from the UK to Malta (I tried BA business class and they were dreadful) I will have to choose somewhere else to go on holiday if I want a decent airline to get me there.

I do not understand what the rebranding or downmarket service is going to achieve. Maybe they just want to bring poorer people who might even bring their own tents to save even more money.

There are enough ‘cheap’ airlines.

Some of us want and like to look forward to travel to a holi­day destination in a bit of comfort.

Queueing to check in at Malta airport is also a disaster, with the problems being no-one’s job to sort out, as I experienced last February.

Talk of reducing business class any further puts yet another nail in the coffin of this national airline.

Already the Air Malta standard of business class is very little different from a good airline’s economy class.

I hope someone comes to their senses soon and rescues Air Malta, before it fails completely, which will, not would, be a shame.

Brian Simmons – Birchington, UK

Filthy toilet facilities

The public toilet facilities at Ġnejna are a complete mess. Photo: Jonathan BorgThe public toilet facilities at Ġnejna are a complete mess. Photo: Jonathan Borg

I think the last time I visit­ed Ġnejna Bay was many years ago when the parking area had just been laid for many people to be able to enjoy the beach there.

Well, a few days ago, my wife and I, together with another couple, decided to explore the place and have a snack at one of the local kiosks.

Having finished our meal, we asked where the toilet was located. The man in charge of one kiosk directed us to two adjoining rooms nearby.

However, when we entered, the gents’ toilet was really filthy. So we tried the ladies’. Unfortunately, it was in the same condition.

A few minutes later, we observed a young tourist who tried using the toilet. No deal. She had to beat a hasty retreat, like us.

What a shame! What a let down!

It’s a real disgrace.

Alfred Conti Borda – Mosta

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