New Year wish list

I do not make resolutions for a new year. I am able to reach my aims without the need for them. This is why I draw up a wish list at this time of the year.

I wish that:

1) the millions paid by the government to Vitals Global Healthcare, now Steward Malta, for services never, or quasi-never, rendered be recouped with interest;

2) the coming summer should be a summer with minimum interruptions of electricity supply;

3) we will see the energy and enterprise minister unveil more public electrical vehicles charging points;

4) the enquiring public should make more use of all customer care services in government departments as they are really useful. Case in point: the issue of driving licences by Transport Malta;

5) Malta is covered from head to toe in artificial green turf, including our roadways, to make our country the greenest of all EU countries;

Hopefully, the price of food will go down next year. Photo: Chris Sant FournierHopefully, the price of food will go down next year. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

6) court cases should be dealt with more expeditiously to avoid granting thousands of euros in compensation – as is the present trend – to those whose case lingered on for years and years before final judgment was delivered;

7 ) the Malta Film Commission will hold more gala performances involving five-star foreign entertainers as our local artistes are inferior to them;

8) Gozo will follow our (Malta) indiscriminate building construction plans, after all, Gozo is served by the same Planning Authority that has besmeared Malta. So, good luck, Gozo!;

 9) food and medicine prices come down as presently they are on the up and up;

10) everyone will have a prosperous and “merrier” new year (for those whose past year has been a merry year).

ANTHONY J. SALIBA  –  St Paul’s Bay

Another European first

No surprise that we are the first (or should that read ‘only’) EU country to legislate for baby mayors.

One wonders though how the “enthusiasms” so prevalent with a rowdy, wet behind the ears, not even old enough to have completed education or join the workforce demographic, can serve the interests of diverse municipalities, with aging populations to boot?

At least, being below the legal drinking age, the new mayors would presumably be sober. The same can hardly be concluded of those thinking this was ever a good idea.


Letter’s column

I never imagined that my long and contributory association with Times of Malta, always searching for the truth, would end abruptly and ingloriously like that.

It took Albert Vincenti Cilia only five days to comment on my letter ‘The unsung nuance’, in which he dubbed me a sort of Spanish inquisitor. And then, to add insult to injury, he had another two letters published. In the meantime, two letters with a religious theme appeared.

Why is my opinion not considered for publishing?

I leave this matter in the editor’s good hands and wish him and all the staff a happy and holy Christmas.


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