What about the healthcare system?

Like everyone else in Malta, I was anxiously awaiting the judicial pronouncements last Friday. I think most people knew that the judge would annul the Vitals/Steward/Mizzi-Muscat deal. So, it came with little surprise, but with much relief given the results.

While the politicians (current and former) gleefully point fingers at everyone else in Malta, except at themselves, there remains a huge pile of stinking garbage that must be removed.

No doubt, in spite of the judge’s ruling, the final process will be a slow, drawn-out one. No doubt with even more finger-pointing. Will the police investigate or not? Will the attorney general get involved? Will the PM again say everything is working? But what will he do about the money that both he and his predecessor threw on to the garbage pile?

All true. And yet. What about healthcare? Gozo still needs a new hospital, before the current one falls or burns down. What of Karin Grech and St Luke’s? The whole scheme was set on its path to improve healthcare in Malta. The strain on Mater Dei increases, even though COVID is mostly in our rear view mirror. Each year it will get even worse.

Patients waiting for appointments, tests and procedures are not seeing a better response. We know we need more doctors, nurses and technicians. But we also need an expanded physical presence.

So, to the government, I would ask: how long will it take to do what you threw money at Vitals/Steward for in the first place? And what will it cost?

Alan Zelt – Naxxar

Kudos to Delia

Notwithstanding the internecine war going on among the members of the Nationalist Party, one particular PN member of parliament deserves special kudos in a civil case he ably contested for nearly five years.

Adrian Delia, former party and opposition leader, fought tooth and nail against eight defendants and succeeded in obtaining a judgment not just in his favour but in favour of all the Maltese people.

In his recent article ‘Why we had to win our hospitals back’ (February 26), he gave a most detailed explanation of what he went through for almost 1,725 days! He speaks of “we” and “our” but never lauding his own political party.

It was a one man’s fight against the establishment. And the establishment, represented by those eight defendants, got it all wrong. So kudos to him.

I end by suggesting that the PN moves forward by forgetting its past and present feuds and, at least, promote Delia to deputy leader. Delia has already declared that he holds no grudge about those members who had denounced him when they promoted his demise as party and opposition leader and now are lauding his incredible achievement in our courts of law.

Anthony Saliba – St Paul’s Bay

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