Are we turning back the clock?

What would Archbishop Charles Scicluna have to say if I – at the age of 91+ – were to tell him that I feel very uncomfortable with the way he is guiding his flock? I hope he doesn’t in his heart of hearts tell me to “just grin and bear it”.

I have a feeling that, slowly, he may be trying to put back the clock to pre-Vatican II days, say like EWTN-style? Happily, those days, thanks to the intrepid efforts of Papa Bergoglio, are a thing of the past... or are they?

Archbishop Charles Scicluna. Photo: Matthew MirabelliArchbishop Charles Scicluna. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

We all know the adverse currents the reform-minded Jesuit pope has to put up with. Perhaps these are worse than the ‘prophets of doom’ famously mentioned by Papa Roncalli in his Gaudet Mater Ecclesia homily at the opening ceremony of Vatican II in 1963. But let me clarify.

My grandson and my daughter-in-law told me that at the Lija parish church – significantly the archbishop’s home parish – holy Mass is being celebrated ad orientem, that is with the presiding celebrant’s back facing the co-participating congregation. I did not enquire whether it was the Tridentine Latin Mass we all remember. Is this a coincidence or a studied ambiguity?

Next. I am finding it intolerable participating at the all-male Mass whenever the archbishop officiates. I appreciate a lot his brief penetratingly pertinent homilies, all seeped thankfully in Holy Scripture. But why are female participants so singularly absent whenever he officiates? Not only are all the lessons and psalms read exclusively by males but women are also de-barred from sharing the bidding prayers.

I have just participated in the Christmas Day Mass from the Mdina Cathedral; women were nowhere to be seen. What does the archbishop have to say to female extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. I admire those parishes, like mine at Balzan, that involve women. My daughter-in-law is one of them. What are the archbishop’s views on female deacons, let alone female ordinations? And viri probati – male married priests?

I would also, en passant, request some information regarding the oncoming synod. There are overall 114 bishops’ conferences worldwide and, so far, 112 have submitted their reports to Rome.

I, therefore, presume that the Maltese conference submitted its report: it can’ t be otherwise, with Cardinal Mario Grech in overall charge. Have we, as discerning believers, been significantly consulted in any way?

Amabile Galea – Balzan

The PM has time to redeem himself

Just like Italian parliamentarian Loris Fortuna, who in Italy led both the Lega Italiana per il Divorzio and the Lega Italiana per l’Aborto, and later also campaigned for euthanasia, the prime minister and PL leader risks going down in Maltese history as having been prominent in the heart-stabbing of the basic morals of Maltese society.

He just about has enough time left to lift himself out of this impasse imposed upon him by others and redeem his party from a crisis created by persons who do not really love either his party or Malta.

John Consiglio – Birkirkara

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