Critical thinking

The House in session. Photo: Times of MaltaThe House in session. Photo: Times of Malta

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that critical thinking is in very short supply among “yes” parliamentarians.

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

The Middle East mentality

There seems to be a craze about a Palestinian state. What will this solve? If anything, it will inflate even further the hatred between the two people. I might sound pessimistic but I cannot ever foresee any peaceful solution due to the animosity between the Jews and the Palestinians.

In their religion, they both advocate revenge, eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This maxim goes back millennia; it is a basic concept of nomads. It might have been necessary when there was no rule of law but how can one justify vengeance in this day and age?

When asked, Jesus was not satisfied with forgiveness just seven times but insisted on umpteen forgiveness for any tort. The idea of two states might seem fine on paper but will either accept the other as a neighbour? Are they ready to turn a new leaf and accept each other? Both must sit down and understand that it is in their mutual interest to confirm cohabitation and coexistence. Their leaders must come to their senses and cease from fomenting further hatred and vendetta.

What has been achieved over the years? There were times when the Jews and Samaritans lived closely together. They did not trust each other but accepted the fact that they had to co-exist. On a number of occasions, Jesus showed that the Samaritans were human and had a good heart.

Regarding Jerusalem and the vicinity, including sites of biblical importance, I cannot fathom a divided zone. To me, it would be an ideal international place of how various factions could live together. I might be daydreaming but I suggest a tripartite administration, say, with equal representation of Jews, Christians and Muslims. It could become a centre of peaceful coexistence.

I am suggesting three parties as just two would never live and work together and they absolutely need a pacifying partner. They need time and goodwill to learn how to live together in harmony.

For a long time, Europe was a zone of contention but now it seems to have settled into joint appreciation.

There is no place in this modern age for preachers and leaders who foment hatred and division. The whole area should become a Middle East Federation from which all will gain in the long run.

It is a case of cutting the Gordian Knot. Do we need another Alexander? Yes, this stupid situation must end and it will only end when both sides come to their senses and accept their faults and that they both are, after all, the descendants of Abraham.

Frans Said – St Paul’s Bay

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