Is this Malta’s ‘tulip mania’?

The Damrak Avenue and canal in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with tulips in the foreground. Photo: Shutterstock.comThe Damrak Avenue and canal in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with tulips in the foreground. Photo:

The exponential demolition and construction frenzy gripping Malta calls to mind the Dutch Tulip Mania of the 17th century. At the height of the mania, in February 1637, single tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled artisan.

Like all speculative bubbles, the Maltese (building) fever must inevitably burst, in accordance with the economic laws of demand and supply.

And when the crash happens, one hopes it will help to sweep away the MPs forming this government and the cronies they appointed to ‘work’ the country’s institutions.

A practically indistinguishable typical town in Malta. Photo: Chris Sant FournierA practically indistinguishable typical town in Malta. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

And only then, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, can this country wake up from this daily nightmare and ‘rebuild’ its politics, economic model, social morality, institutions and education system and return to ‘normality’.

Joe Grech – Rabat

Mosta notice five months overdue

Waiting for a bus at the temporary bus stop near the HSBC branch, in Mosta, I was most surprised to read the ‘Use of heavy machinery notice’ stuck to the wall.

The said notice was to apply on January 26, 2023 starting at 01.00 and ending four hours later, at 05.00.

It is still there nearly five months later.

But, perhaps, the ending date was wrongly typed. Should it have been ‘202?’ because only God knows when those works in Mosta will be finished.

Joseph Cachia – St Paul’s Bay

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