On VAT evasion
Some 12 months ago, I embarked on a totally solo inspired research exercise of determining public attitudes towards conscientious payment of due VAT.
My survey base targeted 600 respondents, of whom 550 (91.7%) resided in Malta and 50 (8.3%) in Gozo. The sectors I aimed for were those of retail (510, 85%) and services (90, 15%).

But now the crunch…
Of the 600 respondents replying, retail customers who confirmed that they actually pick up, or ask for, the official VAT receipt numbered only 130, or 21.7%.
A shocking 470 (78.3%) replied that they never bothered “with such trivialities”.
Speaks a world about us Maltese, doesn’t it?
John Consiglio – Birkirkara
Hope, unity, integrity
The electorate has sent a clear and strong message – our preference goes to the party that is offering, in addition to sound policies, integrity, hope, unity and a government for all the people.
The competence and perseverance of Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech and his team is presenting us with an opportunity to discover what the PN intrinsically stands for and its true respect for everyone.
The shift towards the PN reflects an increasing confidence of the people in the party’s capability to ensure a tranquil life full of opportunities.
Josephine Vella – Birkirkara
No solution?
A relative who lives in Australia made two appointments with Bank of Valletta to redeem some shares she inherited.
The shares’ dividends were linked to an account in my name, a practice accepted by BoV some 14 years ago, as I have her power of attorney.
In a recent meeting she had with customer care, she was informed that, since the linked account is in my name, I needed to be with her for such a redemption to proceed.
Amazingly, in a second meeting, the customer care person explained that my relative needs to have permanent residence in Malta and open a bank account.
Since such a residency is not practical the issue stopped there and no solution was provided.
Can any BoV guru indicate the way forward to redeem these shares please?
Anthony Mercieca – Qawra
The wrong cult
If political parties want to avoid coming to grief, they should be very wary of the ‘Cult of the Leader’.
Instead, the ‘Cult of the Democratic Team’ should be encouraged.
Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar