Make your own decisions
Over the years, I have watched elections unfold/unravel around the world. Winners say that they are listening to the electorate. No one I know, with the exception of one, exclaims that while his party implodes at the ballot box, he listens to the people.
I suppose if he listened to the electorate, he wouldn’t have called them the establishment, to begin with. By any definition, you are the establishment. If he truly listened to the electorate, he would not have to commit to so many mind-numbing U-turns. Each and every one of them signifies that he has not listened to the people.

What is on the minds of the people? Better pay (not more government jobs), excessive and bad construction and corruption, to name a few. It’s time for some ministers to be removed from the cabinet. And this time, please, accentuate competency, not blind loyalty, when making new ministerial appointments. And, please, do something major about the environment, not just the usual talk and future plans.
So, imagine my surprise when you say that it is time for a major discussion on abortion and euthanasia! And, in a nutshell, you manage to elevate the two issues that truly polarise Malta. You again deflect, thereby continuing truly bad governance. Not the two issues that garner the most concern, by a long shot.
Prime minister, it is time you act on behalf of the people, as the real establishment would do. If you concentrate on what people want, and less on what your private sector cronies want, the people will thank you. Be a mensch and make your own decisions. Stop looking over your shoulders.
Alan Zelt – Naxxar
Presidential pardons
The common man, like the undersigned, observes the legal debate about presidential pardons and is left with the impression that our presidency has no executive powers except when it comes to pardoning of mischiefs, which seems to equate to a loophole allowing politicians to act above the law.
It’s not so many decades ago that we achieved sovereignty. One may wonder, at times like these, whether law and order are better or worse now, having loosened the shackles of colonisation, when “big daddy” told us how to behave.
Albert Cilia-Vincenti – Attard
Woman rescued
I refer to the online article ‘Woman in critical condition after near-drowning in Comino’ (June 8). I would like to point out that the person who rescued her was a Polish tourist who was on holiday in Malta.
Actually, on that day she was the second person to be rescued by this tourist.
I work for the travel agency that organised his visit to Malta and I would like to say that we are very proud of him.
Agata Woźniak – Legnica, Poland