Who to trust: Robert Abela or Bernard Grech?

Some Nationalist Party supporters and opinion writers have celebrated the fact that the PN lost the MEPs’ election by an 8,500-vote gap with Labour. 

In 2008, the PN held celebrations all over Malta and Gozo when it won the general election by a small 1,500 vote majority over Labour. To such depths have the PN’s electoral hopes descended. After all, this was their fifth consecutive European Parliament electoral defeat. 

During the last 11 years, the Labour movement set very high electoral standards for itself, so much so that an election win by 8,500 votes over the PN is not seen as something to be celebrated. 

Prime Minister Robert Abela addressing supporters outside Labour Party headquarters the day after the MEP elections. Photo: Matthew MirabelliPrime Minister Robert Abela addressing supporters outside Labour Party headquarters the day after the MEP elections. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Indeed, Prime Minister Robert Abela told Labour supporters outside party headquarters the day the results were known: “I have not come here to celebrate a victory but to let you know that we have received your strong message  and we will act on it as from tomorrow.”

He added, “while the others are celebrating a defeat”. 

This is the depth to which the PN’s electoral aspirations have dwindled, that for the PN to see a glimmer of hope of returning to government they have to rely on thousands of Labour voters who may decide to abstain or spoil their vote.

The June 8 election was meant for Maltese and Gozitan voters to choose who they believed would serve Malta’s interest best in the European Parliament. 

In 2027, there will be a very different decision facing voters. They will have to decide who they can trust most to protect their health, jobs and businesses, in case of another pandemic: Abela or the inexperienced Bernard Grech, who had wanted a total lockdown? 

Who to trust to keep Malta’s economy the best in Europe? Who to trust to keep public transport free and to keep the price of electricity, gas and fuels stable and the lowest in Europe? To protect free childcare, the annual rise in student stipends and free transport for all schoolchildren? To ensure the annual rise in pensions above the COLA increase, the annual tax refund cheques and so many other benefits?

And, above all, who to trust, Abela and his Labour government or the PN opposition, led by Grech, to protect the neutrality and non-alignment of Malta in case the Russia-Ukraine conflict extends to the rest of Europe? 

Finally, will all those voters who abstained or spoiled their votes on June 8 be willing to risk all they had gained under a Labour government and see it going up in smoke under Grech and his inexperienced MPs?

Roberta Metsola saved Grech on June 8 but, in 2027, or whenever the prime minister may call the election, she can’t be of much help.

Eddy Privitera – Naxxar

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