Court victory for db Group as appeal against ITS towers dismissed

Decision means project at St George’s Bay will go ahead

And the destruction of Malta goes on, filling the pockets of the few while destroying the quality of life of the rest. Who cares anymore? – Danika Vella

Remember Mario de Marco was db Group’s legal consultant on this project. – Eddy Privitera

Disgusting. The area is doomed for another 10 years now. More cranes, pollution, concrete, noise and dust on top of the existing avalanche of destruction. We then have the audacity to wonder why dementia cases are soaring through the roof in the elderly and asthma cases are at an all-time high in children…

We can’t keep doing this to ourselves, enough is enough. – Peter Darmanin

The project had already started before the last election and those who live in the area still voted Labour. So let them pay the price while I pity the others. – J. Busuttil

Malta is a gangster’s paradise where public land is given away for peanuts and big multi-storey buildings dwarf and suffocate their surrounding areas. The cherry on the cake would be when we learn that a bank where the government has the controlling share will finance this punishment which will be inflicted on the Maltese public.

All this is happening for not having a political party public-financing law.

A render of the proposed project provided by db Group.A render of the proposed project provided by db Group.

We’re paying dearly for the party “donations” and media adverts on One TV and Net TV. – J. Schembri

The caption image makes you claustrophobic, leaves you gasping for air. What a hell on earth are we creating, letting these developers and a corrupt system destroy our country before our eyes? – Larry Haggins

I don’t know what the fuss was all about. It’s a modest building compared to the others in that area. Where else are we going to build hotels and high-rises? – Lara Cutajar

Maybe this project won’t be so harmful because the area is already built up. The problem is that every green area in Malta is being built to satisfy the hunger of the rich people on this wonderful island. – Peter Cizoba

What is the surprise in this decision? Developers boast openly that they have the politicians in their pockets.

You get what you vote for. Now enjoy more hideous mega-stacks of rabbit hutches being churned out in the name of “investment”. – D. Galea

Activists react

“…and the truth has finally prevailed,” states the db Group. The truth, I might say, is you do not care about the truth or people and only the greed to make bundles at their expense. – Michel Camilleri

So for eight years the project has dealt with opposition and scrutiny by different courts and tribunals and authorities as stated by the dB Group spokesperson but, after all those entities, finally one comes forward and gives the go ahead. And it’s “truth has finally prevailed”. What a farce. – S. Camilleri

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