Online enquiry

I refer to John Guillaumier’s letter (March 7) which I found very surprising.

I made an online enquiry to on March 2 regarding the senior citizen grant. I received an acknowledgement and a case number right away.

The reply proper was received on March 6, that is, within two working days. The information received was very comprehensive and more than I asked for. The respondent also appended her name, so there was no anonymity either.

This was the first time I used the service and I was positively impressed.

Victor Pisani – Santa Lucia

Prison cells

Photo: Darrin Zammit LupiPhoto: Darrin Zammit Lupi

Rumour has it that a lot of prisoners are being freed so that their cells will be available to accommodate a number of fraudsters involved in the Vitals/Steward mega scandal.

Will there be enough cells?

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

Heartfelt appeal

With all due respect to President George Vella, people of goodwill feel it’s about time he expresses himself on the current worrying situation of our country. We are not living a normal life as befits democratic Malta.

The Labour government is abusing its majority and arrogantly treading on us like a bulldozer.

Everyone is aware that the president’s power is limited and that he has to abide by what parliament decrees. But if he truly wants to abide by his oath of office, that is, to safeguard the constitution, it is about time he realises that it is not being respected.

Ceremonial duties are indeed important but they are not enough and it is not what the people want.

The courts finally expressed themselves after five laborious years since Adrian Delia, at the time leader of the opposition, instituted his case against Steward Health Care for not abiding by their contract, notwithstanding receiving millions of euros  from the Maltese government. Mr Justice Francesco Depasquale did not mince words and called the deal fraudulent.

It is there for all to see – including the office of the president – that days have passed since the courts expressed themselves very strongly against the three hospitals’ deal and, still, the office of the attorney general and the police commissioner have remained mum. Their silence is deafening.

The prime minister was quick to point out the government will not appeal the sentence. But the millions of euros given to Steward must somehow be retrieved and invested as should have been. This can only be done by the prime minister.

The leader of the opposition has publicly offered a common front with the government to recover the money but, up till now, only partisan allegations against the opposition were uttered by Robert Abela.

The president is urged to intervene on such a national issue. A quick visit to Mater Dei Hospital, the once state-of-the-art hospital, shows the demotivated state of the staff who are overworked and the lack of good service offered. Malta is appealing to the president to take action before it is too late.

Emily Barbaro-Sant – Mosta

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