Not always possible 

I have read the article ‘Gozo motorists ordered upstairs’.

Although I agree that passengers should leave their cars on a point of safety, sometimes, this is physically impossible.

Photo: Mark Zammit CordinaPhoto: Mark Zammit Cordina

The cars are sometimes parked so close to each other that the doors cannot be opened enough to get out! Or the gap is too small to prevent damaging the car next to it. Some people of age or infirm cannot manage to get out.

The ferry staff should check that passengers are able to comply before parking another vehicle adjacent.

David Phillips – Qala

Another street missed by Google Maps

Sant’Anton Street, Valletta is also omitted on Google Maps. It is a short street, a bastion really, between the top of Victoria Gate and the steps leading down to the Lascaris war rooms/Department of Commerce. 

Deliveries, taxi pick-ups etc. are always a hassle as everyone refers to  Google Maps to no avail.

Here’s hoping that it will be included this time round.

Monica Borg – Valletta 

God, first and foremost

I wish to congratulate and thank Peter Micallef Eynaud for his intellectual contribution ‘The human person first? No, God first!’ (March 2).

His input is learned, convincing and an appropriate analysis of a factual subject.  

We read and hear many opinions about God’s law and moral code and, often, people become confused and doubtful. Sometimes, we are tempted to judge moral matters as suggested by human emotions. Yet, for believers, the fundamental truth of God’s teaching and His commandments are the root-and-branch of our faith. That is why God comes first! 

The human person will find his proper place only if he behaves fittingly and is humbly guided to live and act according to God’s law, which, as Micallef Eynaud states, ‘is all about love’. It will, therefore, be worthwhile for everyone to read carefully and follow, as it inspires deep reflection.

Carmel Vella – Mellieħa

An opinion

It is encouraging to know that a 16-year-old, Nina Briffa, is standing for election to public office on the local council of Qrendi. It is a great pity that she does not have the level of education to know the difference between having a strong opinion and being opinionated (March 2).

Stephen Vassallo – Xewkija

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