Attack on the judiciary
I would like to join all those who have already shown their solidarity with Magistrate Gabriella Vella and expressed their condemnation of the attack on the judiciary by Joseph Muscat and by our very own prime minister, Robert Abela. It was painful to listen to the prime minister’s diatribes at his press conference on Monday.

Whatever the reason behind his words, whether it was to score some cheap points just before the MEP and local council elections or to defend his predecessor, to whom he owes so much, it is unacceptable that the prime minister tries to undermine the judiciary for his own political aims and aspirations or simply because he does not agree with what Magistrate Vella concluded.
Inciteful behaviour and expressions of hatred against particular persons in order to get your own back for anything you do not agree with is not tolerable in any decent self-respecting democracy. It becomes very dangerous business when it is directed against the judiciary. It is reminiscent of what totalitarian regimes do.
If condemning all this and protesting against it makes one a candidate for consideration as a member of “the establishment”, the title coined up by the prime minister for the dark monster created by his fertile imagination, I would be proud to be considered a member.
I expected far better from our prime minister. As we say in Maltese, “din fiha żelaq fin niexef” (he put his foot in it).
JOE BORG – Former foreign minister and former European commissioner, Swieqi
EU accession anniversary
Reflecting on the 20 years of EU accession of both Malta and Poland, allow me to express my thoughts.
On August 1, 1944, my ancestors took part in the Warsaw Uprising during World War II. They fought bravely and courageously in the revolt to free Warsaw and send the message across the Third Reich that Poland will never surrender. The Poles fighting that day stood up to the tyranny of Nazi Germany and its allies.
As I reflect upon this and current times, the world is going through heartache and problems of war again like never before. It seems the human conflict will not have an end, but heroes of various kinds are emerging to bring about world peace.
It is important that events such as the Warsaw Uprising be remembered in history so that history does not repeat itself.
In Malta, Sette Giugno, on June 7, 1919, was a rebellion against British rule and colonialism. Maltese blood was spilt to stand up to the British unfairness of those times. My great-grandfather, Antonio Galea founded the Malta Union of Teachers that same year, the first registered trade union on the island. Poor conditions were given to Maltese workers at the time and, following the Sette Giugno riots, the formation of the union was there to start to protect Maltese teachers.
In Poland, we do not look far back to recall the formation of the trade union Solidarnosc and the role Lech Walesa played in the collapse of communism in Poland in the 1980s.
Recollecting when Malta entered the European Union on May 1, 2004, I can say that Malta must fight a lot for freedom and good leadership. I strongly believe that the leadership in this country can learn and reflect from these events. We are all human and make mistakes, but it is important we learn from them. Also, a good leader is one who acknowledges and listens to the people.
Perhaps the right word in the quest to rediscovering the Maltese identity is ‘fortitude’. The Maltese have proven themselves capable, time and time again, to summon a great deal of courage in tough situations. A fortress island and unsinkable aircraft carrier, the Maltese have a perseverance and strength like no other and a strong fighting spirit.
May the greater good prevail in these challenging times.