The future of man
All the forthcoming elections are a golden opportunity for little Malta.
Without big ideas being entertained, the future of Europe lies in taking to heart and mind its proposed Fifth Pillar on Innovation and R&D.
The international community can find among us a hidden but very effective enzymatic accelerator relating the euro currency to true world development.

Our young people’s future can contribute to resolving mankind’s problems today in a global civilisation of love. Rather than a dreadful World War III, Malta can accelerate European soft power through its own sovereignty and a neutrality focused strictly on the future of man.
As true Europeans we can help pull mankind together to reinvigorate the United Nations with a new Declaration on the Inalienable Rights of Nations to take the effective safeguard of human rights from Europe up to the global level.
For Europe can encourage work for agreements to this new UN declaration by Israel and the Palestinians working together and by the Russian and Ukraine people working together.
It is all for the end of world hunger by 2030 and nuclear disarmament. It is to discover among us an instrument towards better economic and economic creativity and social justice. This is to become daily work in progress here in Malta. Because together we can grow in humbly sharing the values in our national anthem: it is a low-key cultural synthesis discovering in a future cosmopolitan conversion to transcendental mindsets among politicians and financiers that we encounter the beauty of a balance in faith and science for the future of man.
Our forthcoming elections are a golden opportunity for a first step on this path, for all to experience together.
High-pitch sirens
Noise pollution of all kinds in Malta is the most complained about issue we have on our small island, from residents to tourists.
We all know that we have laws about noise pollution and that, from late hours till early morning, the use of horns by cars and trucks is prohibited.
However, we have a 24/7 noise situation from ambulances, police cars and various other emergency services using high pitch sirens, echoing throughout the whole locality, day and night in our limited, narrow roads.
I appreciate that an emergency is an emergency but the daily quality of life for everyone, including the elderly, people on night shifts and tourists is our responsibility too.
Is it possible to lower the volume of sirens being used and, perhaps, use more blinking lights without disturbing all of Malta, please?
And, of course, sirens should only be used in case of real emergencies.