For better and for worse

Following the wrapping up of the Vitals inquiry, former prime minister Joseph Muscat who had his wealth frozen, is urging the courts to make the inquiry findings public.

As far as I know, Prime Minister Robert Abela, who, prior to the closure, pledged to make contents public, once again performed another of his famous U-turns and is keeping hush about it. Since is becoming clear he has a copy, could it be that, maybe, he is trying to cover up for someone?

Muscat has maintained his innocence ever since, so why is he so worried about the contents?

The public deserves to know what the inquiry concluded, so why is Abela so adamant to keep it under wraps?

Could it be that the contents are so shameful that he is playing for time and, in the meantime, attacking the judiciary? We have to keep in mind that although during its inception, Abela did not lead the country, he was Muscat’s legal adviser all along, preparing to be his continuity.

Muscat is surely feeling the brunt, so much so that he openly declared finding it difficult to continue paying for his Netflix service.

In such circumstances, couldn’t his better half come to the rescue? Some years back, she herself declared that they were to make hay while the sun shines.


Security Council voting

A Security Council meeting in session. Photo: AFPA Security Council meeting in session. Photo: AFP

I address those members of the United Nations who still have a modicum of conscience. Wake up.

People are dying by the minute. You are being held hostage by a bully and its sidekick.

If you want to save a positive historical reputation, you only have one option. Revoke the power of veto in your Security Council.


‘Balance’ and ‘equality’

What exactly was the point of the report ‘More streets named after priests than for women’? Is the reporter genuinely worried about that reality?

What’s wrong in a country freely choosing to rank the consecrated a tad above women by naming more streets for them than for women (I prefer the word ‘ladies’)? Both work hard for our society but the former (not of their own choosing but by the will of the great Lord) are given a rung above in the plans of His construction.

This issue of gender imbalance is now being stretched and stretched and stretched to atrocious and ridiculous points. It is unthinking writers who will jump and blabber it into every element of life, and this because they continuously keep interpreting these words “balance” and “equality”, et similia, as being or implying the same as “identical”… in everything… including such ridiculous notions as the number of streets named after Tom, Dick and Harry.


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