Old vs the new

Torri San Tumas, Marsascala, administered by Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna, is being beautifully restored to its former glory by the Malta Tourism Authority, aided by EU funds.  

Would the developers of the derelict eyesore of what was once the Jerma Hotel, dumped between the sea and the majestic tower, please consider the following:

The Torri San Tumas is being restored as the Jerma Hotel lies derelict beyond it. Right: Leipzig. Photos: Anna GaleaThe Torri San Tumas is being restored as the Jerma Hotel lies derelict beyond it. Right: Leipzig. Photos: Anna Galea

(1) Until a decision is taken to commence the development (I understand that the proposed properties are already being advertised for sale), the derelict Jerma buildings should immediately be knocked down  so the public can at least have a glimpse of our rich heritage as envisaged in situ by our forefathers when the tower was built in 1614.

(2) Would it be too much to ask that the spirit of the tower is echoed in the design of the proposed development, in the same manner that architects of the University of Leipzig (photo above) echoed the ethos of the old historic city of Leipzig?

Anna Galea – Marsascala

Pension anomaly

Our finance minister will soon be announcing the budget for 2024. Minister Michael Falzon and all the other ministries will have to take what the finance minister distributes to each ministry. 

Recently, Arnold Cassola found that there existed an anomaly for all those pensioners born pre-1962. The same applied to families who had a disabled child. In return, Cassola complained bitterly about what was planned by the PN years ago and what is still implemented by Labour.

Elected members of parliament are meant to be our guardians. They are meant to possess special qualities, such as wisdom, credibility, honour, honesty, integrity and being exemplary to all of us citizens. What they really are is up to the individual to decide. However, the media helps us by giving us researched facts, truths, happenings, failings, etc.  The next budget will reveal the truth about these two ministries and how they are going to treat and tackle this pension anomaly. 

We will find out whether they are our true social guardians or the new aristocrats they sometimes believe themselves to be. Their overall decision will reflect who they truly are. Poverty could be eradicated if parliamentarians decide to do so. 

Leonard Schembri – Gżira

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