Driving responsibly

I would like to air my opinion regarding over-speeding in Malta.

It is becoming very dangerous on the road and not safe for pedestrians. I would like to point out that there is no need to drive that fast because it does not make a difference in Malta. Getting from point A to point B may be a matter of 10 minutes difference in some cases, so why waste so much petrol or diesel to get somewhere quickly?

Initiatives that reduce fatalities on the road and save many people’s lives are welcome. Photo: Times of MaltaInitiatives that reduce fatalities on the road and save many people’s lives are welcome. Photo: Times of Malta

I like driving a lot and, I have to say, it is a passion for some people. However, one must keep in mind safety when driving on public roads. People’s lives are at risk on the road and the car could be a dangerous weapon. So, one must be very careful of pedestrians as they cross the road or walk on the pavement. However, from the other perspective, pedestrians should be ever so vigilant as they walk and cross the road too. People should not be so careless when walking in the street.

Another point of criticism is reckless driving. What is the point of driving in that manner? You will not get much out of it. If we foster more of a disciplined environment, where drivers obey the rules of the road and do not over-speed, more tourists would be interested to visit our beloved islands. Why do there have to be warnings about the drivers of Malta on foreign websites? It is not good for the reputation of Malta at all. Let’s improve Malta’s reputation.

Not to mention that many accidents would be avoided and more people would survive.

It goes without saying that the number of road accidents have increased phenomenally. If drivers become more considerate of their actions, this would benefit themselves and the country long term.

Why do we have to read on the newspaper about road accidents nearly every day?

A suggestion I would like to make is for some virtual-reality driving games be made available in arcades across Malta and Gozo, simulating racing games. These games could give drivers the thrill of speed and release their enthusiasm in the video game. They could enhance the driving experience and, possibly, being state of the art with updated versions of driving simulation. Perhaps government subsidies could be provided for these games and incentives. Perhaps people could also be offered some games free of charge so they can experience the game first hand and figure it out for themselves. These kinds of video games could give the drivers epic circuits – like, say, those in Italy, Japan, the United States, and Qatar – one can only dream about.

A government scheme could be introduced to provide discounts and incentives to driving enthusiasts to consider playing these virtual games. New arcades could also be opened in some towns and villages across Malta and Gozo.

Driving responsibly on public roads is a must since the safety of people comes first. Any initiatives that reduce fatalities on the road and save many people’s lives are welcome.

When driving, one must be very watchful of one’s surroundings and listening to music must be done with caution.

Road rage is not the answer to resolve a dispute but listening and emphasising is the way forward.

It is easier said than done, of course, but if we all pull the same rope, we will be making a big contribution to the country and to each one of us.

May we all strive to have safe roads on our islands.

Mark John Galea – Sliema

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