Why change it when it works?

Recently, I noticed that there was a change in the APS Bank app called ‘myAPS’. When viewing accounts on this app, before this change, there were three margins, namely “Details”, “History” and “Payments”.

To my surprise, the “Payments” margin was omitted. I contacted the APS call centre to see why this change had occurred. At first, the lady on the other side told me there were no changes but, when I explained what happened and that,  now, because of this change I cannot see what payments I receive in my accounts, she agreed there had been this change. To my disbelief, she told me I would have to go on my computer to look for payments.

Photo: Shutterstock.comPhoto: Shutterstock.com

Hence, my questions to her were:

1) Why was something good on this app removed?

2) Why do you have to refer to a computer to check something if an app was invented to be used on smartphones?

She could not answer my questions and, therefore, I made a formal complaint. I was told that someone from head office would call me back to explain why this feature had been deleted.

Till now, after more than a week, no one has called and I am still waiting for an explanation.

Is this the way APS Bank treats its customers?

John Zammit – Sliema

Sticking to fact

I made the decision a long time ago not to respond to personal attacks, unless they amount to hate speech, in which case I will report to the police.

I will stick here to the facts, in the hope that those who wish to learn, will do so. Those who do not, will not. You know who you are.

First, the morning-after pill does not cause abortion, quite simply because it cannot. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to quote incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, evidence that is published in peer reviewed reputable scientific journals.

Second, abortion is already a reality in Malta. Between 2017 and 2021, at least 958 women ordered medical abortion pills online. This number is probably an underestimate as it only includes shipments from the two major providers, Women on Web and Women Help Women. One package of mifepristone and misoprostol arrived in Malta each day in 2021 alone.

Third, population-based surveys now clearly show that the majority of persons living in Malta wish to see abortion decriminalised. We believe that no one should live in fear of facing prison for accessing healthcare. We now need decision-makers to do their duty. Do not fail us.

Isabel Stabile obo Doctors for Choice Malta – St Julian’s

Eternal repercussions

In the great movie which was filmed in Malta, Gladiator, the Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, the part played by the famous Australian actor Russell Crowe, tells his troops before the battle: “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”

Do I ponder upon the eternal repercussions of my actions? Do I ask the simple question: where will this action put me in my eternity?

Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap – Marsa

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