Legacy of Christianity
Christianity has been on the world scene for 2,000 years and, yet, few ponder what this has meant for mankind.
It has rightly been affirmed that Christianity took Rome by storm. It gave dignity to slaves who, in the ancient world, were mere chattels to be used and abused by their owners.
It elevated women who were at the mercy of fathers and spouses who could decide for them in practically everything. Indeed, St Paul’s exhortation to husbands to love their wives as their own bodies and to give them their conjugal rights must really have been revolutionary at the time. Christ gave women much importance during his ministry and appearing to them first after his resurrection set the seal for the slow transformation of the ancient world.
Furthermore, Jesus liberated his followers from many of the constraints that bound them, especially in Judaism, by declaring that no food was impure. Animals, too, ceased being sacrificed in expiation for sins since it was Christ’s passion and death that was the ultimate valid sacrifice.

Jesus proclaimed the ideals of fraternity, equality and liberty much before the French or Bolshevik revolutions ever did and minus the oceans of blood and suffering that the latter caused.
However, it is the concept of forgiveness that makes Christianity stand out among all other religions.
Christ taught us to forgive unconditionally for whatever pain caused and to do good to one’s enemies.
One can only wonder how different world history would have been had Jesus’s teachings about avoiding retribution been heeded.
It is often rightly claimed that Christians have committed many atrocities during the centuries, sometimes blasphemously in the name of God. This is certainly true but it was always a betrayal of Christ’s teachings. The Lord declared all men and women as being children of the same heavenly Father who is all goodness and mercy.
This concept of common brotherhood is the greatest legacy that Christianity has bestowed upon mankind.
Jacqueline Calleja – Naxxar
Indifferent voters
The results of the latest European and local council elections showed that the Nationalist Party made significant gains, which promises well for the future.
While keeping this in mind, the PN must also look at the 120,000 voters who did not participate in the elections.
This is a point to be tackled by the party, reminding these voters that all the alleged corruption cases, such as the identity card scandal and many others, could affect their everyday lives irrespective of their indifference when voting day arrives.
Rather than grumbling in silence, these dormant voters, through their vote, have the power to make Malta again return to normality and the peaceful life we had in the past and not waking up to everyday worries, as we are experiencing daily.
Michael Vella – Sliema