Terrible Swieqi roads
I refer to the photo whereby Infrastructure Malta is indicating ‘Toroq Aħjar Għalik’. This is nothing but a pure gimmick as our roads in Swieqi are in a very bad state, in particular Triq il- Miżura, which happens to be on the left-hand side of the sign which also states ‘Upgrading your road network’.
What I would like to suggest to the minister responsible for Infrastructure Malta is that he should visit our area. In order to avoid any damage to his car, I would gladly call for him to view the state of our roads.

Some friends who visited Malta recently told me that driving in Swieqi is like driving on the moon.
We have been waiting for so long to have our roads upgraded and it is about time that action is taken.
Our local council informs us that the roads are not within their jurisdiction but the responsibility of the transport and infrastructure ministry. Hopefully, the roads and infrastructure minister will accept my offer to drive him around Swieqi soon and we will not have to wait many more years to have the roads upgraded.
Adrian Mifsud – Swieqi
A new life with a distinct DNA
I would wish to refer to two statements made by a pro-abortion lady taking part in a televised debate recently.
A woman’s body – her choice: I could not agree more. A woman is free to decide whether or not to tattoo her body, shave her head, colour her hair, detox and botox any part of her body, reduce or augment any part of her body, accept or refuse life-saving treatment: it is her body so her choice.
But women have no right of any sort on another person’s life. The child in a woman’s womb is a person distinct from the mother. The child found itself in a womb through no choice of its own. The child in the womb, at whatever stage, is vulnerable, depending completely on the mother for its life – but then so is a newborn.
The lady made it quite clear that, while she had flour, eggs and sugar in her kitchen cupboard, she never referred to her having a cake in the cupboard. Again, I cannot agree more.
I would point out, however, that when the eggs and flour are mixed and the mixture placed in the oven then the reference is invariably to a ‘cake’. One ensures that the ‘cake’ rises, that the ‘cake’ does not burn, that the ‘cake’ is properly cooked before it is taken out of the oven.
Once the ova meet the sperm then, at the moment of conception, there is a new life with its distinct DNA, a life which no one has a right to destroy.
Mary Shephard – Swieqi