A shining light for Maltese politicians
Allow me to express publicly my heartfelt gratitude to the gentleman of Maltese politics, Evarist Bartolo, for all he has done throughout his 30-year political life, both for the Labour Party as well as for our country. I am certain that countless thousands agree with me when I say that Bartolo was a shining light and a role model for politicians in our parliament.
Although Bartolo could be a strong critical voice towards his political adversaries, he would never attack the messenger but the message. Bartolo was not known as one who often stood up in parliament to speak. But whenever he spoke, he made a lot of sense.
In my pre-election contributions to the Times of Malta and L-Orizzont, I lauded Bartolo as a politician who made us all proud wherever he visited as Malta’s minister for foreign and European affairs. I have chosen a few quotes from messages sent by important foreign politicians to Evarist soon after they received word that our ‘Varist’ was not elected to parliament.
Patricia Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth: “You have been a brilliant foreign minister, full of heart, integrity, wisdom and generosity. Malta has been blessed by your service and I have been blessed with your friendship”.
Scotland invited Bartolo to participate in election observation missions and other commonwealth events, ending her message thus: “You remain a great Commonwealth statesman.”
Thomas Greminger, former secretary general of OSCE: “There are few of your calibre, mindset and commitment.”
Michael Spindelegger, ex-vice chancellor and former foreign minister of Austria: “You have been such an extraordinary, responsible and sympathetic minister, who was impressing so many others, including me”.
General Claudio Graziano, chair of the European Union Military Committee: “I am sorry that you are leaving the Foreign Affairs Ministry, in particular for Malta and Europe. You have been and are a great leader.”
Wang Yo, China’s Foreign Minister: “During your tenure as foreign minister, you have made important contributions to the development of China-Malta relations… actively promoting practical cooperation between our two countries… we had an in-depth discussion on bilateral, regional and international issues, on which I am very impressed by you.”
This is what not just the Labour government now misses but, mostly, our country. I sincerely hope that a way is found so that Bartolo’s exceptional qualities can still be utilised for the good of our country.
On a much happier tone, I was elated to note that Aaron Farrugia has been entrusted with one of the most important super-ministries, that of transport, infrastructure and capital projects.
I have no doubt that he will deliver another success story as he has done in his previous ministerial responsibility for the environment.
Eddy Privitera – Mosta
PL should heed pope’s message
As the winner of the general elections, Labour should add Pope Francis’s message at the President’s Palace to its election manifesto.
Charles Farrugia – Rabat
Game plan of the future
In his Talking Point ‘Game plan of the future’ (March 30), Alfred Sant listed several fairly radical reforms that the Labour administration must now undertake, even at the risk of losing votes. Will the PM and his parliamentary colleagues adopt this game plan or is it going to be more ‘continuity’ of what we had before? Will the ‘patria’ prevail over the ‘party’? Many are sceptical.
Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar