Improving Malta’s product

It wasn’t very surprising that the government wants to delay implementation of the minimum business tax rate. Malta has seemingly taken the easy way out to get businesses to set up here.

Just get the companies here with unbelievably low tax rates  and they can deal with the rest. And, while at it, let’s set up a business allowing corrupt persons and oligarchs to get the key to the EU by selling passports.

Admittedly, it does take hard and smart work to do it the right way.

Why not set up programmes to attract new businesses to start up in Malta? Give them aid to get started, assisting them along the way with physical sites, technology and skilled labour. Not bribery but it still works.

Another thing has come from this issue. The moaners and groaners are saying that, with this new tax rate, Malta will have only tourism to rely upon. Then we are really in trouble. As it is now set up, Malta only gets the lowest and cheapest tourists here. That won’t work.

Maybe we should stop building all these hotels for the bottom feeders and get creative and attract tourists that want to visit our heritage sites. Possibly fewer in numbers but will spend significantly more money, staying longer as well. And it has the side benefit of stopping the decline of the

Maltese beauty that originally attracted tourists.

In our present direction, we can no longer compete against other Mediterranean countries that are not destroying their countryside. There really are only a limited number of trees we can cut down and pave over.

Every year, we keep hearing about things we should do but don’t.

Inertia is hard to overcome. Farming has diminished. Concrete has replaced dirt. Water is literally running down the drain and we have managed to replace beautiful buildings with architectural nightmares.

Alan Zelt – Naxxar

From the online comments board

Truckloads of debris dumped in Miżieb for hunters’ project

As usual, something is amiss in this tiny island and I quote “However, sources at the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) have raised concerns that rules meant to protect natural habitats appear to have been violated”. It shows that impunity is still the order of the day. What are your comments, please dear Aaron Farrugia, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning? This is the legacy of Abela/Muscat – just ignore all the procedures and I/we will vote for the Lejber party. Malta tagħna lkoll – Godwin Dalli

Elections looming... – K. Pace

This country is truly amazing. – John Callus

Scientists and ecologists! – T. Borg

 How much did FKNK receive for this contingency of rubble in this new dumping site? How much will they receive for each new delivery of rubble and then maybe other waste? – C. Cassar

One of the areas of MiziebOne of the areas of Mizieb

How does throwing debris and quarry waste aid in rehabilitating the area more than volunteers going there to plant some trees? Have I been doing gardening wrong all my life? – M. Micallef

Another environmental disaster thanks to the corrupt government to ensure votes in their favour. Anyone who supports these acts is directly responsible for this disaster and is backing a corrupt government to be re-elected. Say bye bye to democracy, good governance and conscientious administration to public funds and property. Well done Bob. – Francis Said

Last minute effort to ruin Malta’s environment and green areas forever before the election. Votes talk! – Joseph C. Galea

Hunters and environment protection do not go together. So who would have expected better than a mess at Miżieb after Aħrax? – N. Scerri

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