Putin and Stalin

In his letter ‘History is repeating itself’ (March 7), Saviour Falzon of Kalkara referred to the brave and successful Finnish resistance against the attempted Soviet occupation in 1939.

In Ukraine, a man-made famine starved to death millions of successful farmers (kulaks) who were subjected to collectivisation by Moscow. The Russians tried to deny this by disinformation and duplicity. They even fooled a visiting chubby French prime minister, Eduard Herriot, into declaring that there was no famine in Ukraine in much the same way that American ‘journalist’ Walter Duranty was in denial in the New York Times.

Their mask was uncovered by one courageous Christian writer, Malcolm Muggeridge who was in Russia at the time.

Vladimir Putin is following in Stalin’s footsteps or worse. Even Lenin had pity on the Ukraine when he permitted Ukraine farmers to do some trade in their harvest through his ‘new economic policy’, having seen the immense suffering caused by ‘War Communism’.

Not Putin, who will go down in history as one of the worst dictators of all time. Sadly, the West seems reluctant to intervene effectively, as happened in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Henry Frendo – Attard

From the online comments board

Environment minister endorsed by hunters’ lobby

Great. Another moron who won’t be getting my vote. So these are his true “environmental” colours. – Joseph Borg

Never mind the colours… Just consider the environmental record! It’s a national and irreplaceable disgrace! – Deborah Fenech

In Malta – so it seems – the laws of electromagnetism are somewhat reversed. Negative attracts negative, and... ooops, the positive went missing. Who would have thought that; Malta confirmed that (magnetic) monopoles do exist. – Matthias Wille

Well, now even Bernard Grech says the PN would allow hunting and trapping, thinking that he can also dupe hunters and trappers! – Eddy Privitera

I mean the Hunter’s Federation did get free land from the government... was this really unexpected? – Nathan Debono

Then he wants to show how much he cares for the environment by boasting on green walls and distributing useless seeds. That is an endorsement you do not want. – Drin Zerafa

If we needed confirmation about the ineptitude of the environment minister, this is it. Any environmental groups endorsing the minister? – John Camilleri

Clearly, the Labour Party has no understanding of environmental conservation. Not surprising. For this one needs knowledge and ethics. Labour is just that: labour and no intellect. – Joline Ribieri

Both PL and PN value hunters’ votes over those of people concerned about the degradation of our environment and wildlife. ADPD are in favour of abolishing hunting in Malta and deserve a voice in parliament. – Dave Alan Caruana

Not a very wise move at all by this boy. He might gain some votes but he will be losing many others. – Joseph Galea

Just goes to show how great an environment minister he is and just how “corrupt by design” we have become. – Clyde Ellul

What baffles me is why PN is still trying to chase the hunter’s vote. That will never happen. PN should go after the environmentalists and promise to abolish hunting all together. Confiscate weapons and reclaim the land stolen by hunters. – Edwin Mifsud

Of course they endorse him… he is their puppet. – V. S. Axiaq

Kafkaesque comes to mind… Orwellian even… or we stick to the theatre of the absurd. A brand new world after election day. – J. Ruby

Well done dear minister. Your environmental credentials now are even of a higher order. – Spiru Friggieri

Proof as to how ineffective he is as the environment minister. – T. Brincat

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