Promoting a culture of life

The best leaders generally have the courage of their convictions. If they are honest in their private lives they are honest in their public lives. They have the strength to combat corruption that causes devastating damage on societies and economies mostly affecting ordinary and vulnerable people.

This is why it is essential for the electorate to vote for persons who would be able to lead competently and with responsibility while safeguarding our values, such as personalities like President George Vella.

Although not perfect – same as all of us – he is a man of principle known for his honesty and humanity ahead of personal gain.

His strong stance against abortion is already leaving an eloquent mark on Maltese society. In the words of Mother Teresa, who refers to abortion as a destroyer of love and peace, by abortion the mother does not learn to love but kills even her own child to solve her problems.

Let us not be accomplices – as St John Paul II put it – in extending the cemetery of human cruelty to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn. How ironical it is to have a Maltese MP promoting the legalisation of abortion when Malta has the lowest fertility rate in Europe. Contrastingly, one appreciates the generosity of adoptive and foster parents and crisis pregnancy support foundations.

The need of voting for honest persons of integrity has never been as crucial as today.

As Albert Einstein reminds us: whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. It is the truth that sets us free as opposed to false freedom. We equally need wisdom to notice the marvellous treasures around us reflecting God’s love for all…

To live life to the full, enhancing our quality of life while promoting a culture of life is the highest compliment to our Creator, whose generosity flows forever, particularly for those who seek Him.

Josephine Vella - Birkirkara

Mask/vaccine discrimination

Photo: Chris Sant FournierPhoto: Chris Sant Fournier

The latest mask rules announced by the health authorities are shameful and discriminatory, to say the least. It is beyond belief that only vaccinated people can take off their mask outside come July.

The COVID-19 vaccine is not obligatory. And that is right because no one can force me to put something in my body. But these draconian and dictatorial rules are forcing people to take the vaccine anyway. It’s a case of passing through the window instead of the door.

Are the health authorities not understanding that this is creating a new split in the Maltese society? A new category of non-vaccinated people who have every right to choose not to be vaccinated.

What is the next step?  To lock all non-vaccinated people in a cellar? Let’s do it Chris Fearne and Charmaine Gauci, just to be on the safe side!

Why are you boasting about herd immunity then, if people are continuing to be discriminated against? Let people live their lives and stick your dim mishmash of rules in the bin.

Adrian Xuereb – Żurrieq

On street parking

Frans Buhagiar (May 22) complains about problems with street parking in his village of Safi and seems to envy other localities with residents’ parking slots.

Furthermore, in many newer locations there is no street parking available for visitors because all residences have garages and they ‘own’ the whole street.

In crowded towns and cities,  overseas residents pay for owning the street in front of their garage via council property taxes and all residents pay annual fees if they wish to park their car/s in their street.

We constantly hear that the private car is ruining the environment and must be controlled but no political party wishes to lose votes on any measures restricting private car use.

Albert Cilia-Vincenti – Attard

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