Unfinished road job

The elaborate Wied Inċita junction in Attard, where the Central Link merges with the Rabat Road, is nearing completion. The surfaces have been asphalted, road markings are in place, traffic lights to manage this dangerous crossing have been installed and traffic is moving efficiently.

The bus stop for buses proceeding from Valletta to Rabat has been relocated to a position better than the previous one. However, the one for buses from Rabat towards Valletta has been left unfinished. Indeed, the bus lane created purposely to cater for this stop has been blocked by bollards. Some buses still stop here but others just ignore it and proceed to the next stop, Ħal Warda.

Is it too much to ask for an official notice informing commuters what is happening here and whether it is advisable to wait for a bus at this spot?

Joseph Muscat – Attard

Rampant, illegal parking at Senglea

The picture shows the arrogant and selfish abuse of local drivers who park their cars (day and night) on the waterfront in Senglea.

They just drive over the double yellow lines, go onto the pavement and park under the No Parking signs.

Transport Malta, the police and LESA have been notified but they argue that it’s the responsibility of the local council to remedy the situation. A series of pictures have been sent to the local council a few weeks ago but no action has been taken even though it has been suggested to place a tow zone notice along with the No Parking sign.

Anthony Mifsud – Senglea

Insurance reliability

Ryanair encourages prospective customers to also include their insurance when booking a flight. This insurance covers lost, damaged or stolen luggage, which, if it is honoured and if needed, puts one’s mind at rest.

However, from personal experience this insurance is not to be trusted as it is not reliable at all. I paid for this insurance but it happened that Ryanair had to cancel the flight weeks before it was due.  Ryanair refunded the cost for the fare but not for the cost of the insurance.

When asked why the money for the insurance was not being refunded, their answer was that I could have still made a claim even though there was no flight.

I feel that, besides taking my money unlawfully, they also tried to insult my intelligence.

Angelo Polidano – Attard

Newspaper analysis

Since the University of Malta’s broadcasting station – Campus FM 103.7 – has been revamped, I never miss the daily (Monday to Friday at 9am, repeated at 1pm) analysis of the local newspapers.

The five erudite reviewers not only discuss what is printed but comment and criticise, where appropriate, in a most independent manner. It is heartening to hear what they have to say.

It is not for me to dissect their individual performance but, all in all, they give exhilarating comments and asides.

This station is a world on its own.

Anthony Saliba – St Paul’s Bay

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