Two Maltese airmen from the past

I write after many years of deliberation since my father passed away in 2009. I have a photograph (right) inherited from him which is a wartime picture from his RAF days in the Middle East, in approximately 1943.

The picture depicts my father Corporal/Sergeant E.V. (Ted) Haynes sitting on a weather balloon along with his colleague, Corporal Woodward flanked on either side by – in his own words – two Maltese friends.

This is the nub of my letter: after all these years would anyone be able to identify the two gentlemen?

Perhaps there are members of their families still residing in Malta who have that information.

As Ted’s son, I would like to connect with them.

I am sure the photo was taken at RAF Helwan Libya/Egypt. I think my father was with 112 squadron at the time.

If any readers can identify the Maltese airmen, it would make me very happy.

I realise that perhaps this should have been attempted many years ago but there is always hope. Anyone with information can contact me through e-mail at

Brian Haynes – Durham, England

From the online comments board

COVID-19: Malta records rise in imported cases

The important thing is that the government keeps the imported figures of new cases low. That’s why the health authorities stopped publishing the figures. The government is only eyeing statistics of tourist arrivals and restaurant customers. – Paul Camilleri

Hiding the truth does not make it go away. The vaccine has drastically reduced the symptoms infected people usually feel. Nobody goes to be tested unless symptoms are felt. So we could have a large number of persons in Malta who are positive, without any symptoms, infecting others.

The bad news is if we start importing some new version. Malta’s problem is the population density. It is the highest in Europe. It just makes matters worse. Go to any public place and it is like ants in Indian file. We have become a melting pot. – Carmel Ellul

Same mistake all over again and again; restrictions have been relaxed and probably too at the airports and ports; just to appease tourism over our health. – M. Vassallo

Social distancing at MIA, on boarding buses and airplanes is zilch… They load passengers like sardines. Deplorable! – Joe Morana

The only statistic of real importance is the number of hospitalisations. The rest does not matter. Having hundreds of new cases but no new patients in hospital would still be a good thing. – J.J. Borg

At this rate (globally) we are going to experience a devastating winter for the third time! – Jesmar Cremona

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