We can’t negotiate with nature
Well done for the editorial entitled ‘Climate change mitigation’ (August 30). The conclusion rightly pointed out that “It would be foolish to think that we can negotiate with nature”.
I once heard this saying which I think is very appropriate: “God always forgives, man forgives sometimes, nature never forgives.”
This is evident from recent disasters such as floods and wildfires all over the world.
They may soon happen to us in Malta too. We are constantly being warned. We cannot go on acting irresponsibly. Development cannot go on in a haphazard way anymore. Tomorrow may be too late.
Doris Borg – Mosta
I will never recommend Malta again

I am writing to express my concern at the treatment of people at Malta International Airport if they are refused admission to the country.
Arriving from the UK on August 21, my COVID certificate was not accepted (something I am currently following up with my issuing authority). I was placed into a holding room with others refused entry. Within that room there was no social distancing observed, no effort made to ensure that masks were worn properly and I observed behaviour from a police officer pushing a young man that would be deemed unacceptable in any democracy.
I also found it unacceptable to be told I had to book a flight “and get out of my country” or pay to stay in a quarantine hotel.
As someone who has visited Malta every year, apart from last year, at least once a year since 2005 I had grown to love the island and the wonderful people who call it home. However, the behaviour I experienced has called into question whether I will ever be back because of the poor treatment I received. I certainly will not recommend Malta as a holiday destination ever again.
Indeed, I question as to whether or not the Maltese government has any idea how to implement a COVID-safe environment due to what I experienced or understand how to treat people in the position I found myself in with dignity.
I have contacted, by e-mail, both Malta’s High Commission in London and Malta’s prime minister expressing my concerns and I have not even received an acknowledgement. Either I am not being taken seriously or the relevant authorities in Malta are choosing to ignore my concerns.
A lack of concern for COVID protocol for people refused entry and failure to even acknowledge my e-mails shows a contempt I never thought to experience in Malta.
I hope somewhere in the government a determination will be found to rectify what I see as unacceptable and is definitely not representative of Maltese behaviour.
David Gilmour – Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK
Tokyo Olympic Games
Watching the Tokyo Olympic Games left me breathless. How wonderful to watch young people doing their very best for their country.
It’s lovely when young people make use of their God-given talents instead of wasting them on drugs, alcohol and idleness.
Well done to everyone for their dedication and hard work.
Francis Vella – Mosta
China and the Uighurs
China’s draconian policy towards the Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang is the right strategy to use in order to nip extremism in the bud. Half-measures against fanatics don’t work.
Witness the way Muslim fundamentalists in Pakistan hold their own government hostage to their demands regarding so-called ‘blasphemy’ laws. Those who try to mitigate these laws are hunted down and murdered.
After a series of terrorist attacks by Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang, China sought to eradicate their extremism by tackling the problem at its roots.
If Afghanistan and its Western allies had followed a similar policy towards the murderous Taliban, the Taliban scourge would have been eliminated long ago.
John Guillaumier – St Julian’s
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