Lidl Malta has donated the sum of €7,433 to the Inspire Foundation, thanks to its Favorina Easter Egg (400g) campaign which was launched in early February in collaboration with the NGO.

Lidl Malta committed to donating €1 for each Easter egg sold, guaranteeing a minimum donation of €3,000 regardless of the quantities sold. Thanks to the chain’s customers and their participation, the final donation amount greatly surpassed the initial commitment.

“At Lidl Malta we are dedicated to giving back to the communities we serve,” Owen Micallef, Lidl Malta director, said.

“This Easter campaign is a fantastic example of how, together with our customers, we can make a real impact. We are incredibly grateful for the support shown towards Inspire and we look forward to continuing our commitment to local causes.”

Inspire provides vital educational, therapeutic and vocational programmes fostering independence and active participation in society for individuals with diverse abilities. The €7,433 donation will directly support these crucial services.

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