A literary evening at Studio Solipsis, Rabat, is set to tackle the concept of masculinity through a translation of Franz Kafka’s Brief an den Vater (Letters to his Father) on December 28.

Nicole Vassallo translates Kafka’s sentimental letter, Brief an den Vater (Letters to his Father) from German to Maltese and brings together the disciplines of translation and visual art while also contextualising the discourse around masculinity in contemporary Maltese culture.

Ittra lill-Missier is a chapbook published together with Kotba Calleja which deals primarily with the theme of toxic masculinity and the inheritance of social norms from one male generation to another.

“What does it mean to be masculine?” ask the organisers.

“What fears are you (not) supposed to have as a man? What is it and how should you show gentlemanliness? These questions are ones that shape the masculine ideal of the 21st century, and they are questions that inspire this project.”

The public is invited to attend the reading on December 28 at 7pm in Studio Solipsis, Rabat.

Copies of the chapbook will be for sale throughout the evening. This project was put together with the help of the Artivisti scheme and is supported and financed by the Arts Council Malta and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ.

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