It is so good to see that everywhere in Malta and Gozo we see new initiatives that are taking shape in our towns and villages. Malta and Gozo had a lot to offer over the Christmas period. We are slowly becoming more innovative and this thanks to some local councils, committees that organise the religious feasts and some individuals.

One of the most impressive initiatives, the brainchild of Franco Ciangura, is taking place in Għajnsielem where a large abandoned area adjacent to the main village square has been transformed into "Bethlehem at Għajnsielem". (The activity goes on to January 4). Many thousands have already visited and these include Maltese and tourists. The area, around 20 tumoli in all, has been transformed into a living village. Painted wooden structures, pathways, gates and rubble walls have been constructed. (Unbelievably Mepa was quick to send inspectors on a Saturday demanding explanation!). These temporary structures house the Nativity scene, with a live family and all the animals, a baker making real bread, a carpenter, a blacksmith and other small shops that reflect both the life in Gozo and at Bethlehem. There are live animals such as horses, goats and donkeys. Shepherds occupy a real cave. They are all manned by people from Għajnsielem in very well thought out (and not overdone) costumes. Over fifty local "actors" are taking part. You can even buy a special wine bottled for the occasion. The whole is really impressive. They have managed to put up authentic rubble walls and even the temporary structures are remarkably authentic.

It all reaffirms that Gozo still has a strong sense of local participation and also fine craftsmen. The ambiance of the whole area is really quite extraordinary.

As the Prime Minister remarked to the organisers on opening day, it would be a pity if after January 4 the area will return to being unutilised and the structures will be brought down. The Bethlehem at Għajnsielem is, as many Maltese have already found out, well worth a visit.

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