Whether it’s a best friend’s big birthday or you’re counting down the days until party season, you’ll need to start thinking about what looks you’ve got lined up. We’re not just talking about outfit options here. While you’ll certainly need to stock up on a few eveningwear staples, it’s your makeup that’s going to bring every ensemble together. Have you grown bored of your current cosmetics? Perhaps you’re in the mood for something more seasonal ahead of party season.

Read on for some essential tips to leave you feeling inspired.

Keep it naturalKeep it natural

Keep it natural

Do you spend more time getting ready for a night out than you do mingling with friends and enjoying your favourite venues? The problem is most likely your makeup, or rather that you own too much of it. According to a recent survey, UK women spend an average of £1,000 each month on cosmetics, spa treatment and hair appointments. If you’re spending a similar amount, there’s a good chance your makeup case is overflowing with unused concealers, lipsticks and eyeshadows.

Some people prefer to have plenty of options, but there is such a thing as too much choice. With so many staples at your disposal, it can be hard to settle on a signature look that you can replicate, time and again. To make life easier, why not embrace the no-makeup look? Despite the name, this makeup trend involves a minimal amount of cosmetics. You’ll want a lustrous primer to give your skin a gorgeous glow and smooth out any unsightly pores. You can also add concealer to enhance your base. You can stop there or add a little bit more detail with a natural-hued blush and stripped-back mascara for volume.

Brighten things up

Do you always aim for daring, only to arrive at drab? Your colour choices may be holding you back. Think about ditching those lacklustre nudes and embrace a more eclectic palette instead. Start with the eyes for impact, then start thinking about lipstick choices and nail polish. Brands like OPI are perfect if you’re eager to add some variety to your makeup bag staples. You can liven things up with a complementary colour palette, or experiment with stunning contrasts instead.

Go for a gloriously glam look

Getting ready for a very special occasion? Whether it’s a milestone birthday or you’re gathering with friends to welcome in the new year, a glam look will never fail to disappoint. Many women are wary of attempting a glam look, but nothing is daunting about it. Stick to a simple layering process and you can perfect glamorous makeup in no time.

Once you’ve applied your base products, reach for a highlighter and apply it to your cheekbones and nose to add glow. When it comes to the eyes, dark and sultry shades always work well. When in doubt, stick with classic black or pick out a tonal blue eyeshadow palette that you can play around with. For maximum impact, your lashes are going to need some extra attention. A thick mascara is a must, especially if you’re aiming to perfect the smoky eye look.

Have you just paid out for a manicure? Make sure you’re showing those nails off with a premium polish. Gold nail polish is the standard here, with metallics working surprisingly well with just about any palette. Thinking about lip shades? Rich reds or autumnal browns are the way to go.

Find a look that works for you

Settling on a makeup look that works for you isn’t always easy. However, a little experimentation will pay off. A versatile look that can be readily replicated is a great thing to have in your repertoire. However, it’s worth having a couple of backup ideas to hand so you’re set for any occasion.

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