The European Commission has opened infringement procedures against Malta and two other countries for failing to transpose a working time directive on inland waterways transport into national law.  

On Thursday, the Commission said it was sending letters of formal notice to Malta, Cyprus and Greece informing them of the procedures and calling on them to adopt its directive.

The directive regulates the duration of daily and weekly working hours, rest periods, breaks, maximum nightly working time and annual leave for those working in the inland waterways transport sector.  

The European Commission (EC) said it was sending the letters after the three states failed to implement the directive introduced in 2014.  

It said the three countries now have two months to notify the commission of their national measures. In the absence of a satisfactory response, the commission may decide to send a reasoned opinion.

The notice was issued in the EC’s November infringement package, the latest in its series of monthly announcements of actions taken against member states that fail to comply with their legal obligations. 

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