MALTA          6

ISRAEL          19

(0-3, 3-5, 2-6,1-5)


S. Desjardins, N. Azzopardi, K. Agius 2, K. Navarro 1, M. Perici Ferrante, L. Cachia, F. Paolella, S. Camilleri, D. Micallef 3, R. Caruana Dingli, Z. Bartolo, A. Bonello, A. Amato.


A. Peres, T. Levi 1, D. Namakshtansky 1, M. Bogachenko 2, M. Lindhout 5, A. Yaacobi 2, Y. Farkash 1, D. Menakerman 3, E. Tal, N. Sasover 2, N. Hochberg 2, R. Gazit, E. Burda.

Refs: Maria Daskaloplou (Greece), A. Hossche (Belgium).

Malta’s last act in the European Championship qualifying round Group C matches turned out to be an honourable performance, never mind a defeat at the hands of a clearly superior Israel side yesterday.

Stephanie Desjardins distinguished herself again with a string of fine saves before handing over custody to Alexia Amato, while Denise Micallef scored a hat-trick as Kendra Navarro worked hard besides netting a brace.

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