The Malta International Business Awards (MIBA) has announced the next stage of the competition. Organised by TradeMalta, this third edition of the MIBA awards attracted an impressive number of entries from Malta-based exporters, demonstrating the vibrant and diverse nature of the nation's international business community.

The awards feature four categories: Best SME Exporter, Best Large Exporter, Best High Potential Exporter and Best Emerging Markets Exporter. Applicants come from a wide array of industries including manufacturing, research and development, training, software, and AI technology, maritime, 3D printing, supply chain management, architecture, and web design.  This broad participation highlights the robust capabilities of Malta’s exporters.

The competition now moves into the first phase of the adjudication.  In this phase, TradeMalta executives and auditors from Grant Thornton will rigorously evaluate all entries to ensure compliance with applications guidelines, score them according to the criteria outlined in the Entrant Guide, and shortlist finalists in each category.

In the second phase, the shortlisted finalists will be invited to deliver a presentation to a judging panel.  This panel will determine the winners for each category and the overall winner. The winners of each category along with the overall winner will be announced during a prestigious gala dinner, at the Radisson Golden Sands Hotel on Friday, November 29, 2024. This event promises to be an evening of celebration, recognition, and networking among Malta’s top business leaders and innovators.

The Awards are being organised by TradeMalta and HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c., as TradeMalta’s strategic partner, with Emirates and Grant Thornton as supporting partners. The awards are endorsed by the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade, as well as the Malta Chamber of Commerce, showcasing a united front in championing Malta's international business competence. The Times of Malta is the media partner.

For more information and updates on the Malta International Business Awards, please visit or contact TradeMalta at or call 2247 2400.

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