Malta is objecting to a proposal by the European Commission to lower the driving age to 17 years across the bloc.

The so-called 'accompanied driving scheme' would allow 17-year-olds to drive as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

In a statement late on Monday, the Transport Ministry said Malta disagreed with the proposal. 

Minister Aaron Farrugia made Malta's position known during a Transport Council of Ministers in Brussels, saying the proposal contradicted the island's safety, congestion, and decarbonisation efforts. 

Malta believes that lowering the driving licence age should remain at the discretion of individual member states.

The European Commission's proposals were approved on Monday with minor amendments by the Council of Ministers, paving the way for the final stage of dialogue with the European Parliament.

At the meeting, Malta -together with Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Portugal - reiterated concerns about the EU-ETS legislation's impact on the maritime sector and the risk of carbon leakage. 

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