The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra has suspended its principal conductor,  Mro Sergey Smbatyan following international media reports that he has been arrested in Armenia on fraud allegations.

Christopher Muscat, acting CEO of the Malta Philharmonic said that without entering into the merits of the case, and without any prejudice to anything or anyone, the MPO was suspending its working relationship with Maestro Smbatyan with immediate effect.

"The MPO is following the case very closely to ascertain the facts. A final decision in respect of this case will be taken once the relevant facts and circumstances are ascertained," Muscat said in a statement.

Smbatyan was appointed principal conductor of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) on 1 January 2022.  

According to media reports, Smbatyan, who is artistic director and chief conductor of the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, is being held with his father Armen, in connection with an alleged real-estate fraud involving land belonging to the Tchaikovsky Music School in the capital, Yerevan.

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