Five of Malta’s largest companies, including M. Demajo Group, Virtu Ferries, Bank of Valletta, Ernst & Young, and GasanMamo Insurance, have supported the Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (MSPCA) by donating €35,000 to the shelter, as well as their time and efforts to help renovate the premises. 

The MSPCA is Malta’s largest and oldest animal welfare organisation. Since 2004, the shelter has been an independent NGO funded entirely by charitable donations. The Society focuses on providing a shelter and a rehabilitation program for an average of 200 abandoned and mistreated animals annually to help them find a new loving home. The charity also concentrates on educating the public and promoting animal rights.

Volunteers help MSPCA organise the premises and walk the dogs currently living at the shelter.Volunteers help MSPCA organise the premises and walk the dogs currently living at the shelter.

Over the years, the MSPCA’s resources have been stretched thin leading them to seek help from local companies. M. Demajo Group led the way by reaching out to other local businesses including Virtu Ferries, Bank of Valletta, Ernst & Young and GasanMamo Insurance to collect donations. These five companies donated €35,000 to refurbish the existing premises and to open additional kennels to provide refuge for more animals. The current roof will also be replaced.

The businesses’ generosity is not just apparent in the thousands of euros donated. It is also seen in the companies’ volunteers who pitched in to help the local charity organise the premises and walk the dogs currently living at the shelter.

M. Demajo Group, Virtu Ferries, Bank of Valletta, Ernst & Young, and GasanMamo Insurance donated funds, time and effort.M. Demajo Group, Virtu Ferries, Bank of Valletta, Ernst & Young, and GasanMamo Insurance donated funds, time and effort.

On presentation of the donation by JJ Miceli Demajo to the MSCPA, the Committee said: “Your initiative has left the shelter truly speechless. This kind of support does not come around often, and it leaves us lost for words. It always seems to be an impossible task. But through this support, we can finally start putting our plans into action.”

Uwejja Ltd helped coordinate the event.

To support the MSPCA through funds or time, call 7953 0468 or visit their local premises in Floriana.

A donation of €35,000 presented to MSPCA.A donation of €35,000 presented to MSPCA.

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