It's not long ago that the thought of a Maltese fashion industry was laughable. Adrian Mizzi remembers that well, but in the years since, has developed into one of the pioneers of the local fashion industry, having built a business that encourages professionals in all sectors of fashion to strive towards the best and most innovative results.

"I've always loved fashion and saw the potential of the Maltese fashion industry years ago," explained Mr Mizzi. "We are a small island drenched in talent.

"Back when I was starting out I decided to organise a beauty contest to raise funds for Cash for Cancer - it was the Miss Summer Brunette contest and it was great while it lasted. But about four years into it I decided that it wasn't for me, and switched my attention towards organising something that would benefit the local fashion industry as a whole. Back then it was so limited and talent was being wasted."

Inspired by what he saw and determined to make something of it, Mr Mizzi gathered the then-leaders of the local industry in the hope of finding common ground to build upon.

"I asked all the photographers, models, hairdressers and make-up artists working at that time to show me their best work. I then took samples of their work to Milan where I consulted some of the top Italian fashion stalwarts - the likes of the John Kaverdash Institute of Professional Fashion Photography, hair and make-up specialist Aldo Coppola and modelling agency Fashion Model. I asked what they thought of what Malta had to offer at that stage and their feedback was far from positive; but they were helpful and offered whatever assistance they could. I brought some of their knowledge back with me and encouraged local professionals to work out where they were going wrong and to improve on what they already had. Some listened, others didn't, so I worked with those that were keen and invested in new blood too."

The immediate result was that the first Malta Fashion Awards were held later that year, in 1999.

"They were hardly spectacular in hindsight! There were no hairshows for instance and we only showcased the work of a couple of designers.

"Year on year the show has evolved, always encouraging creativity. Now we have stringent guidelines that help those involved to strive harder. For instance, we encourage hairstylists to expand their horizons, to go to seminars locally and abroad, to learn from their competitors and to try to collaborate with them. They gain nothing by being set in their ways, and it's tips like these that help their businesses to flourish along with the fashion industry as a whole.

"It's been a long journey, and while there's always room for improvement we've come a long way already. The major milestones have been phenomenal and memorable: fashion-based, creative advertising campaigns, the first Maltese model used in an international campaign, the emergence of numerous designers and the popularity of their work.

"I've had the pleasure of working with stalwarts of the industry and watching them transform their work in line with international standards; at the same time I've also offered my studio to newbie photographers or models and watched them take their first steps into the business, their whole careers in front of them.

"When you compare the industry now to what it was 10 years ago it's incredible as you really can see the progress that has been made and the creativity that surrounds us. Of course the change is not just down to talent but also down to the fact that budgets are bigger today than they were a few years ago, more of an investment is being made and that's fantastic."

The awards are now an integral part of the local fashion calendar and one that sparks hefty competition each edition.

"The party may last for one night but the work that goes into it takes courage, persistence and a year's worth of hard graft!

"This year's party will be like no other that we've seen before as we've done our bit to excel ourselves - matching the standards of the nominees. When we first started, the awards were a small do and attendance was on an invite-only basis. In the years that followed we managed to pack the Mediterranean Conference Centre and now we've moved to the transformed MFCC in Ta' Qali and have given it a complete fashion makeover.

"Our guests can look forward to something special, a stand-up party jam-packed with treats, surprises, music and, of course, fashion. We wanted to create a degree of interaction between the audience and those involved so it will feel more like a party than a show. I remember being involved in fashion shows where it felt like all of the fun happened backstage and those people in the audience were simply able to clap their hands in appreciation or sneak backstage if they were lucky. This is going completely against that - the party will be happening front of house and the MFCC will feel more like a lounge bar than a theatre! There will also be vodka bars, wine bars and chill out areas, as well as an after party."

Aside from hair shows the awards will also showcase the work of talented local fashion designers.

"Ten Maltese designers will be on show tonight - a number many people will struggle to imagine. Many of these designers have been around for years, as many as 30, but have kept a low profile, preferring to work with a handful of customers and staying out of the limelight. It will be fantastic to finally see their work on stage. Charles & Ron, one of Malta's best known fashion houses, will also be showcasing their new collection, and several foreign franchises will be on the catwalk too."

The awards will honour professionals in six distinct categories: Female Model and Photomodel, the Upcoming Model Award, Make-up Artist, Hairstylist, Fashion Photographer and Male Model and Photomodel. A number of additional awards will be presented to various contributors as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations.

The entertainment promises to be spectacular too. For starters, instant Italian fashion designer Alfredo Nocera will be with us. Amazingly, he can create an evening gown in mere seconds experience to watch him live.

Music will also be a focus and audiences will be able to enjoy the talents of Ira Losco, Bitterside, Eve Ransom, Niki Gravino, Cable 35, Morena and reknowed DJ Steve Ceasar.

"I don't know if there are any other local events with the kind of history that the Fashion Awards now has - 10 years of ongoing success and development. While I would never call myself one of the founders of fashion in Malta I know that I have done my best to promote it and build it. Charles Arrigo once said to me: 'If you haven't got butterflies in your stomach as an event approaches, something's wrong.' And I believe that; I'm always excited for every event that draws near, even though I've been involved for so long, that special buzz still remains and the drive to exceed that year on year keeps me motivated.

"I believe that there's a fine line between 'amateur' and 'professional' and that's perfectionism - something which I inject into everything I do. I guess that's one of the main ideologies behind the Fashion Awards and what's made them a success over years. And that's certainly something that will be there for a long time to come."


Female Model and Photomodel
Christine Pillow
Diane Stafrace
Joy Gatt
Katrina Pavia
Stephanie Hodgkins

Upcoming Model Award
Adreana Zarb
Martha Fenech
Mary Mifsud
Lana Xuereb
Tiffany Pisani

Make-up Artists
Alexia Sammut-Tagliaferro
Elaine Stafrace
Lorna Mugliett
Nicola Powell

Mark Stafrace - Club Cut
Mario Borg - Papilla
Toni & Guy
Thomas Fenech - Thomas Hair Studio
Upcoming Hairstylist - Lara Steer - D Salon

Fashion Photographer
Bernard Polidano
Brian Grech
George Scintilla
Tonio Lombardi

Male Model and Photomodel
Alex Psaila
Andrei Grech
David Camenzuli
Mariano Farrugia
Paul Vella

• Tickets for tonight's event can be obtained from any Vodafone outlet, Agenda Bookshops, Bookends and Exotique. More information may be obtained online:

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